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Home > LoanBeam FAQs > Creating your First LoanBeam QI Application
Creating your First LoanBeam QI Application
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Once you are logged into LoanBeam, the Dashboard will appear. To create a New Application, click the “NEW” button in the upper right area of the dashboard.

Summary Steps:

  • Click “New”
  • Complete the New Loan Application details
  • Add Documents
  • Select a Template
  • Submit the Application




Detailed Steps

Once you are logged into LoanBeam, the Dashboard will appear.

To create a New Application, click the “NEW” button in the upper right area of the dashboard.

Application Details

Complete the New Loan Application details.

Add Documents

Click  to find copies of tax returns.

Click here to find which file types and tax forms LoanBeam accepts

Template Selection

Select the two year template that matches the files you are uploading.

Click here if you need help understand which template to select

Submit the Application

Once you have completed the application, simply click . LoanBeam will send you an email once the file is completed.


The estimated processing time for an application is 30 to 45 seconds per page uploaded.


Upload only PDF or TIFF format files.
Best scan resolution is 300 dpi or higher, black and white.
No handwritten or password protected files.
Tax forms (e.g. Form 1040) should be in proper sequential order.
Do not upload more than 2 years tax returns

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