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LoanBeam Workbook User Guide

LoanBeam’s patented calculation technology scans the borrower’s tax returns for relevant income data, and then produces an easy-to-read Excel workbook with the borrower’s qualifying income.

LoanBeam’s Excel workbook has multiple tabs that help calculate the borrower’s qualifying income. Each tab represents a discrete income stream, such as Schedule C income or Royalty income. Investor underwriting guidelines are pre-applied to the calculations. The Summary Sheet tab aggregates your borrower’s qualifying income in a single, simple-to-read location.

Details on the LoanBeam Workbook calculations can be found in the attached user guide.


  • The Cover Page tab details the borrower and loan information and is used  to notify users of missing tax documents.
  • The Summary Sheet tab aggregates your borrower’s qualifying income in a single, simple-to-read location. 
  • Other Sheet tabs include: Main Sheet, Schedule C, Schedule E-Rental, Rental (Manual), Schedule E-Royalty, Schedule F and Partnership.  Note: All income tabs appear in the workbook, regardless of whether the borrower has income from that income stream.
  • 1066
  • 22-Sep-2022