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How to read LoanBeam Templates, to understand where the income is coming from.

LoanBeam offers clients a choice of Templates.  Each template is designed to pre-apply an investors underwriting guidelines to the qualifying income calculations, leaving the user just a few fields to review or update. 

To get started with reading the data in a LoanBeam workbook it's important to know that each Template will have a line number on the left side of each tabs, to help you understand where the income was read from the Tax Documents uploaded.

EXAMPLE - in the screencap below:

1. Line numbers, are in a red square

2. Tabs, are at the bottom of the Template in a yellow circle

Fannie Mae Template (Form 1084)


Form 1040's (Personal Tax Returns).

You can also hover over the red triangle above each figure, to identified the file name and page number for easy access.


  • 1061
  • 22-Sep-2022